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These tutorials & guides are intended to help beginners in the field of electronics get started or provide some insight into a specific component.
The information in these guides will be updated as often as possible!
Arduino Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
To put it simply, an Arduino is a compact computer that requires very little power (5-12v) to run and has a wide variety of usages due to the ability to upload a program to the Arduino which it will start executing once powered up. More specifically, the Arduino is a microcontroller unit built around the popular Atmel Atmega328 chips. The reason why you do not just use the Atmega328 chip directly is because the Arduino board contains all the required components to allow you to easily & quickly start using the chip instead of first needing to build a suitable board. Most Arduino versions can execute 16 million instructions per second (16 MHz).
Arduinos are used by inventors for various purposes but the main reason why anyone would use an Arduino is to control the logical actions of a device or system. The Arduino can read sensors, make decisions and quickly take action depending on the results needed. Therefore, Arduinos are great for anything that requires some smart logic, such as robots & automation. Due to the low power consumption, Arduinos make excellent task-specific devices that need to operate in a remote location. Arduinos are really cheap compared to a laptop or PC yet can accomplish some of the same tasks, it therefore makes financial sense to use an Arduino instead where possible. Arduinos can also be used in remote control cars, boats and drones due to their light weight.
Learning to build devices with an Arduino has an initial learning curve that may be a bit steep for some but once you have built two or three prototype devices successfully you will have learnt enough to take on more complex projects with greater confidence; the thought process is the same and the method of finding out how to use specific Arduino modules & sensors is also the same. There is software available to allow you to do a visual “drag & drop coding” if you are having a hard time learning to program an Arduino directly.
The most popular Arduino, and best entry-point, is an Arduino Uno. The Arduino Uno has been around for more than 10 years now and has proved to be a solid development board for hobbyists, students & professionals. The bigger brother of the Arduino Uno is the Arduino Mega, which has more programming space and more input/output pins for you to use. The Arduino Mega is often useful when you have many sensors involved in your project.
The smaller brother of the Arduino Uno is the Arduino Nano, which has the same amount of programming space and essentially same number of usable I/O pins but is much more compact than the Arduino Uno.
Recently there has been an explosion of new types of Arduinos available, such as the Arduino Mini, Arduino Micro, Arduino Due, Arduino Leonardo, and many more.
Arduino is an open-source design and anyone can manufacture their own Arduinos (easily too!). Therefore, there are many manufacturers of Arduinos. The inventors of Arduino design make their money from donations and sales via their own website (please do support them) but only some manufacturers are affiliated with them and actually use the original labelling and components. The “clone” manufacturers found that they bring down the price even more by using a “CH340” version of the chip. Practically, there is no functional difference between the two.
Arduinos are programmed in the popular language named “C”. To program an Arduino you need to know the basics of the C language or, use a “drag & drop” tool to write the code for you.
The standard software to program the Arduino, named the “Integrated Development Environment” (IDE) can be downloaded at
An Arduino can be powered in 4 ways:
No. A motor needs more power than what the Arduino can supply at its I/O pins, therefor you would need a module between the Arduino and motor capable of providing power directly from the power source but still controllable by the Arduino. This module is called an “H-Bridge” but often simply called a “motor driver”. An example of a good general-purpose H-Bridge, the L298N is available here
Both Arduino and Raspberry PI have their pros and cons and, ultimately depends on what your projects needs to be able to accomplish. To sum up the main difference in one sentence between an Arduino and Raspberry PI is that the Arduino is cheap while the Raspberry PI has a lot more processing power.
You may not find much information of the module from the place where you purchased it but there is a lot of information widely & freely available on the internet for nearly all Arduino modules. It is mostly scattered but needless to say google will help you find what you need if you understand how to search. Best is to search for “ABC Arduino Tutorial” (where ABC is the name of the module of course). Usually you will end up obtaining code from Github ( or a guide from Instructables (
At Leobot Electronics ( of course and also at Communica (, RS Components (, Riecktron (, Manetech ( and Digikey ( to name but a few of the well-established suppliers.
The Arduino IDE has a few built-in examples but the best way to learn in my view would be
At Leobot Electronics we are busy working on a community for this purpose and is available at, but you can also find advise on the official Arduino forum ( and locally in South Africa at MyBroadband (
It is advisable to add a resistor between the LED and pin but, the total current provided by the Arduino IO is not strong enough to damage the LED. So, yes you can but the extra resistor is advisable.
To switch on appliances that use the mains power of a house you simply need a relay module. The Arduino communicates with the relay at lower power while the relay provides the appliance with all the power it needs from the mains supply. Please be careful when working with high voltage systems such as the mains power of a house, it is dangerous.
Yes. Arduinos can easily be connected together to communicate with each other. Usually a library called “SoftwareSerial” is used to convert any 2 pins from an Arduino to communication channel with any other Arduino (also using 2 pins).
18650 Lithium Battery Charging Module (5V Micro USB 1A)
2-Chanel Logic Level Converter (LLC/IIC I2C) Bi-Directional Module 5V to 3.3V (DIY Soldering Needed)
4 Channel LLC I2C/IIC Logic Level Converter Bi-Directional Module 5V to 3.3V (DIY Soldering Needed)
4 Channel Remote (315Mhz) + Receiver Module (315Mhz)
4.0 Bluetooth Module (CC2540/CC2541 HM-10)
5A Single-Phase Micro Current Transformer Module (AC Active Output, ZMCT103C)
5mm RGB LED Module (KY-016 FZ0455)
5V 1A Ultra-small Li-ion Lithium Battery Charger Module (DD08CRMB)
Capacitive Touch Switch Button Self-Lock Module (11.5mm x 8mm)
CH340G USB to Serial module (5V, 3.3V)
DC 400W 15A Constant Current Power Supply & Step-Up Boost Converter (8.5V-50V to 10V-60V range)
DC-DC 3.5V-30V To 4V-40V Step Up Power Supply Module LM2587 (80W Adjustable 5A Boost Converter Voltage Regulator)
DS1302 RTC Real Time Clock Module
DS1307 RTC Real Time Clock Module
DS3231 AT24C32 Precision Real Time Clock (RTC) Module
ESP01 Serial WiFi Power Regulator Adapter (ESP8266 compatible)
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Sensor Module
High Precision Laser Distance Range Finder Module (3.3V-5V, TTL)
IR Infrared Receiver Module
LilyPad 328 Main Board (ATmega328P 16M)
LM7805 5V Voltage Regulator Module
MAX3232 Mini RS232 to TTL Converter (3-5V)
MOSFET Relay Module (0-24V Mosfet IRF520)
NE555 Adjustable Pulse Frequency Generator Module
Passive Buzzer Module
RFID Proximity Card Kit (RFID Reader/Writer Module + RFID Keyring Tag + RFID Card)
RS232 Serial Port Module (MAX3232CSE)
Serial Micro-SD Card Module
Serial SD Card Module
Serial Wifi Transceiver Module (Arduino)
Single Row 40 Pin Male 2.54 Breakable Pin Header Connector Strip
SX1308 DC-DC Adjustable Step Up Power Booster Module (2-24V to 2-28V 1.2MHz 2A)
TCS3200 Color Recognition/Detector Module
TLP281 4-Channel Opto-isolator
Transparent Arduino Uno Enclosure Box
TTL to RS485 Converter Module (Arduino)
TTP223 Capacitive Touch Sensor Module
Universal LiPo Charger (4.2V/7.4V 2A)