From design to manufacturing, we support every stage, including software development, hardware, and CAD design. Our expertise spans scalable IoT solutions, embedded software & microcontroller programming, networks & servers, smart device integration, production automation, hardware-software integration, mobile app development and web services. Whether you need custom IoT systems, connected devices, or specialized development services, we bring your ideas to life!
Leobot Electronics South Africa - Electronic Component Supplier & Development Service Provider
Leobot Electronics Online Shop
Arduino UNO R3
CNC 3018 ER11 2500mW Laser Cutting & Engraving and Milling Machine
Water Flow Sensor (Flow Meter, 1-30L/min 2.0MPa)
JoyStick Module KY-023 (Arduino)
12V 60W Thermoelectric Heatsink TEC1-12710 (Peltier Plate, 40X40MM)
Electronic Starter Kit Bundle (Breadboard Cable Resistor, Capacitor, LED, Potentiometer, etc; 235 items in total)
Arduino Nano V3 (CH340)
Infrared (IR) Wireless Remote Control Module HX1838
4 Channel LLC I2C/IIC Logic Level Converter Bi-Directional Module 5V to 3.3V (DIY Soldering Needed)
H201 RF Receiver Module + RF Transmitter Module (433MHZ)
0.28" Mini Digital Voltmeter & Ammeter (DC 100V 10A, Blue + Red Dual LED Display)
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Sensor Module
USB Power Supply 18650 Lithium Battery BMS for Arduino (5V/3V Output, 5V Charger)
Wemos D1 Mini V3.0.0 (WIFI, IoT, ESP8266EX)
MG995/MG996R Metal Servo Hub Horn (20mm Mounting Hole)
20KV High Voltage Generator ( DC 3.6-6V, 1.5A, Pulse Arc Igniter, Step Up Boost Module Coil Transformer)
4-Digit 7-Segment Display Module (TM1637)
RFID Keyring Tag (13.56MHz)
TTP229 16-Key Digital Capacitive Switch Touch Sensor Module
Snow & Rain Detection Sensor Module
2WD Smart/Robot Car DIY Kit (1:48 Speed Encoder)
Electret Microphone Amplifier GY-MAX4466 Module
LCD Screen & Keypad Arduino Shield (LCD1602)
6V 30RPM Gear Reduction DC Motor
3-6V DC Motor (Model 130, 17000RPM)
9V-24V, 3A DC PWM Motor Speed Controller & Tester (With buttons)
LM2596 Voltage Regulator Module (Buck Adjustable Step Down, Vin 3.5V - 40V, Vout 1.5V - 35V)
DC 5V 4-Phase Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48
ADXL345 3-Axis Accelerometer Module
MT3608 DC-DC Boost Module 2A (Step Up Power Supply)
Temperature Sensor Module (KY-001 3pin DS18B20)
IR Receiver & Flame Detection Module (KY-026)
Arduino Pro Mini Atmega328 (3.3V)
Ultra-Small DC-DC Step Down Power Supply Module (MP1584EN, 3A, Adjustable Buck Converter)
4x4 Matrix (16 Key) Membrane Keypad
Flexible Aluminium Coupling (5mmx5mm)
MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Gas Sensor Module
Voice Recording & Playback Module ISD1820 with Microphones + Loudspeaker (8Ohm, 0.5Watt)
ZVS Low Voltage Induction Heating Power Supply with Induction Coil (5-12V)
1-Channel Solid State Relay (SSR) High Level Trigger
MQ-2 Smoke/Liquefied-Flammable Gas Sensor Module
Ceramic Piezo Vibration/Strain Module (3V3/5V)
Dual DC Stepper Motor Driver Controller (H-bridge L9110S)
Breadboard Starter Kit (840 Tie-Points Breadboard + Power Supply Module + 65 Jumper Wires)
3.5 Inch TFT LCD Color Screen Module (Ultra-HD 320 X 480 with SD Card Reader)
Nema 17 Stepper Motor (17HS2408)
Dual DC Motor Driver Module (1.5A, 2-Way, MX1508 ,PWM Speed Control; Dual H-Bridge, MX1616)
LM1117/AMS1117 3.3V DC-DC Step down Power Supply Module (4.5-7 VIn, 3.3 VOut)
Serial Wireless WIFI Module (ESP8266 )
MOSFET Relay Module (0-24V Mosfet IRF520)
18650 Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery (3.7V, 2200mAh, Qulit Fire)
ESP32-CAM WiFi + bluetooth Camera Module Development
LM7805 5V Voltage Regulator Module
Double Sided Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit Board 4x6cm
AC-DC 5V 800mA 110V/220V to DC 5V Power Supply Module (Buck Converter Step Down Board Transformer)
Leobot 3D Printing Service
HC-SR501 Adjustable Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) Motion Sensor Module
30cm USB--To-Mini USB Cable (Arduino Nano)
500g-10kg Thin Film Pressure/Force Sensor (RFP-602)
Piezo Disc Element (50mm)
Leobot DIY Robotic Claw Module (with MG90 Servo)
2-Channel Relay Module (5V Low-Level-Trigger )
Arduino Robot Tank Chassis (Plastic Track)
Double Sided Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit Board 2x8cm
DC 0-25V Voltage Sensor Module (Voltmeter Arduino)
Radial Blower Cooling Fan (12V DC, 50mmx15mm, 5015 )
KY-018 Light Detection Sensor Module (LDR Arduino)
DC Temperature Sensor Module (3.3V-12V NTC-10K +/-10% Thermistor)
Photoresistor 5MM Light Dependent Resistor (LDR (0-10M Ohm) - 5mm
Laser Receiver Module
Triangular Prism (5cm)
9 in 1 Gas Sensor Module Kit (MQ-2, MQ-3, MQ-4, MQ-5, MQ-6, MQ-7, MQ-8, MQ-9, MQ-135)
4 Channel Remote (315Mhz) + Receiver Module (315Mhz)
3S 20A 18650 Li-ion Lithium Battery BMS (12.6V)
2N3055 BJT (15A, 100V, 115W, NPN TO-3 Transistor)
FM Stereo Radio Module (5V, 76-108MHZ)
Mini SIM800L GPRS GSM Module (MicroSIM)
Hinged Roller Limit Switch ( 1A, 125VAc)
Turtle Robot Arduino Starter Kit
Five Direction (5D) Game Joystick Button Module
SN75441 IC (Quad HALF-H Driver DIP16)
XR2206CP 0.01Hz-1MHz Monolithic Function Generator IC (DIP16)
Shock Vibration Switch Module (KY-002)
32.768KHz Quarts Crystal Passive Oscillator
DC-DC 3.5V-30V To 4V-40V Step Up Power Supply Module LM2587 (80W Adjustable 5A Boost Converter Voltage Regulator)
Flexinol Actuator Nitinol Wire - (0.3mm Diameter, 0.5M Length, Memory Wire)
Double Sided Prototype PCB Universal Printed Circuit Board 3x7cm
USBTiny ISP AVR Arduino Boatload Programmer
433MHZ Helical Antenna
4X4X4 Blue LED 3D Matrix Light Cube DIY Arduino Shield Kit
20 Key Membrane Matrix Array Keypad 4x5
Mini UV Light Torch (4.5V, 9 Ultraviolet LED)
Voice & Sound Detection Module
9V Battery Holder With Cover & Switch (SINGLE SLOT)
2KG Electric Melting Furnace/Smelter (1100C, 220V)
2-Phase 4-Wire Micro Stepper Motor (10mm, JSDJ2P4W10M)
22uH Toroid Core Inductor (B02, 3A)
Multi-functional Arduino Learning Shield
L7805CV To-220 (Linear Voltage Regulator)
5mm RGB LED Module (KY-016 FZ0455)
1-Key RED Membrane Button Switch
3S 40 Li-ion Lithium Battery BMS with Charger Protection Board (18650 Compatible, HW287)
5mm 4 Pin RGB Tri-color LED (Common Anode)
Optical Glass Cube Dichroic Dispersion Beam Splitter Prism (15x15x15mm, Splitting Ratio 50:50)
18mm Magnetic Induction Heating Coil
LCD Adapter Plate I2C (LCD1602)
Uxcell Iron-chromium-aluminium (FeCrAl) Heater Wire (0.7mm x 1000cm | 24AWG)
KUNHEWUHUA UV Exposure Unit (48W, 260x210mm)
5 Way Flame/Heat Sensor Module
All-in-One TM1638 8-Digit LED Display, 16-Key Keyboard, 8Bit (3 Wire) Module
775 DC Motor (12V-24V)
RC Car Wheel (68mm Diameter)
Vacuum Distillation Extract Set Kit (1000ml, 24/29)
LM393 Light Sensor Module
200W DC-DC Buck Step Up Boost Converter (7A, In 9-35V, Out 9-55V)
Piezo Disc Element (15mm)
Single Row 40 Pin Male 2.54 Breakable Pin Header Connector Strip
TOP255PN Top Switch Offline (DIP-7)
LED 5mm - Ultraviolet 390NM Clear Lens
Double 10K Ohm Sliding Row Linear Potentiometer Mixer Module
FM Stereo Radio Module RDA5807M Wireless Module
Arducopter F450 DIY Drone Quadcopter Kit (Arducopter, Frame, Motors, ESC Blades and GPS)
Analogue Ammeter (0-5A Panel Meter)
TMS4464-10NL (DIP-18, RAM)
Leobot RC Car Wheel
LED 5mm - Red
L293NE Quad Half-H Driver IC (Motor Driver)
8X Optical Magnifier with LED backlight
M3*20 Standoff Hex Spacer (Brass, Female)
1x5 Membrane Matrix Array Switch Keypad (Red/Yellow/Yellow/Yellow/Green)
Infrared (IR) Transmitter Module
10UH Power Inductor
LED 3mm - Green
1x2 Membrane Matrix Array Plus & Minus Keypad
LED 5mm - Green
8-in-1 Precision Multi-Tool Screwdriver Pen
NRF24L01 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver Module
CD4017BE (Decade Counter)
IR Infrared Receiver Module
5V 1-Channel H/L Trigger Optocoupler Relay Module
Tungfull Mini Desktop Grinding Multi-function Machine (Carving, Polishing, Engraving, Drilling)
LilyPad 328 Main Board (ATmega328P 16M)
Flexible Plum Clamp Coupler D30 (14x14 Nema34 Shaft)
Automatic Water Level Controller (12V, XH-M203)
W1209 Temperature Controller
RGB LED 10MM (Common Cathode)
SN74LS00 - Quad 2-input NAND Gate (7400)
CD4013BE (Dual D-type flip-flop IC DIP-14)
Circuit Experiments Kit
LED 10mm - Yellow
Raspberry PI Pico
2-Channel ESP8266 WIFI Relay Module (5V, 2C)
LoRa Module (SX1278, 433MHz, 10KM, Ra-02)
Steady Hand Electronic Kit
Step-Up Step-Down Buck Boost Converter (3.5V-28V to 1V-25V)
XH-M609 Battery Protection BMS Module (DC 12-36V Lead Acid and Lithium Ion batteries)
10 PCS Engraving & Milling CNC Carbide Bit Set (3018 CNC Compatible, 0.8mm - 3.175 mm)
HC-12 SI4463 Wireless Serial Module (433 Mhz 1000M Range)
Lithium Charger Powerbank Module + Display (5V, 2.4A, Type-C/Micro/Lightning/Usb)
DIY Solar Energy Revolving Bell Kit
CNC 3018/2418/1610 Z-Axis Milling Platform + Bearing Kit
75Pcs Plastic Gear & Pulley Kit
2.4GHz Long Distance Wireless Transceiver Module (NRF24L01, 1 Kilometer Range, 2Mb per second)
ARM STM8 Development Board STM8S103F3P6 Module
15KV High Voltage Generator (Arc Ignition Inverter, Step Up Boost Coil)
Strong Vibration Motor (1.5V-6V)
16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver - I2C interface - PCA9685 Module
21L Vacuum Chamber and Pump (RS-1, Single-Stage Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump, 21L Chamber, Stainless Steel)
Mini Tesla Coil DIY Kit (15-24 V DC; 15W; Plasma Speakers)
Uxcell Nichrome 80 Heater Wire (0.5mm x 10Meters | 24AWG)
MP3 Player Module (DFPlayer Mini)
PCB Thermal Transfer Paper A4
Universal IR Infrared Sensor Receiver Module (KY-022)
Laser Beam Combiner Cube Prism (405nm~ 450nm Blue Laser)
Photodiode BPW34
L298N IC (H-Bridge Motor Driver IC, 46V, 4A ,15-Pin)
3-Axis High Precision Compass Magnometer Module (AK8975)
Alien Clapton Coil Heating Wire (Premade Coil)
Easythreed 3d Printer X1 K7 Mini (100x100x100mm Build Volume with Removable Magnetic Plate)
Magnetic Ferrofluid Plasticine Playdough Clay (Magnetic Putty)
40-Way Flat Color Rainbow Ribbon Jumper Wire (per meter)
SX1308 DC-DC Adjustable Step Up Power Booster Module (2-24V to 2-28V 1.2MHz 2A)
TSL1401R-LF Visible Light 1x128-Element Photodetector Array (DIP8)
Screw Locking Stereo 3 Pole Male Jack Plug (Gold Plated, 3.5mm)
Digital Microscope (USB, 500x-1600x Magnification)
Desktop Drawing & Writing CNC Drawbot Machine (AX4 AxiDraw Pen Plotter)
PWM DC Motor Speed Controller With Display (6-30V, 8A)
Micro PCB Drill Set (10pc)
EL Wire 3m Flexible - Green